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Below are results 1 through 10 of 1099 found.                Records Per Page:                Go To Page :   [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...  Next
Sorted By: Media Link
ID Bundle No Date Title of Map Media Link Map Type Scale Material Medium Condition Location Identifiers Surnames Signer Notes Width Length  
493 21  xx-08-1939  J. Ruppert Schalk -- Linwood  topo survey  1"=100'  heavy paper  purple print  fair--degree of water damage and fading of purple ink varies among MapsID#493,494,495,496  Town of Rhinebeck  Theodosia Burr, grants to Jacob Ruppert, Augustus James, Elizabeth Jones    F L Teal  Map ID#493,494,495,496 are all identical except for condition and size, see also MapID#503  41.5  77.5  vertical
494 21  xx-08-1939  J. Ruppert Schalk -- Linwood  topo survey  1"=100'  heavy paper  purple print  fair--degree of water damage and fading of purple ink varies among MapsID#493,494,495,496  Town of Rhinebeck  Theodosia Burr, grants to Jacob Ruppert, Augustus James, Elizabeth Jones    F L Teal  Map ID#493,494,495,496 are all identical except for condition and size  41.5  81  vertical
495 21  xx-08-1939  J. Ruppert Schalk -- Linwood  topo survey  1"=100'  heavy paper  purple print  fair--degree of water damage and fading of purple ink varies among MapsID#493,494,495,496  Town of Rhinebeck  Theodosia Burr, grants to Jacob Ruppert, Augustus James, Elizabeth Jones    F L Teal  Map ID#493,494,495,496 are all identical except for condition and size  42.5  85.5  vertical
496 21  xx-08-1939  J. Ruppert Schalk -- Linwood  topo survey  1"=100'  heavy paper  purple print  fair--degree of water damage and fading of purple ink varies among MapsID#493,494,495,496  Town of Rhinebeck  Theodosia Burr, grants to Jacob Ruppert, Augustus James, Elizabeth Jones    F L Teal  Map ID#493,494,495,496 are all identical except for condition and size  42.5  85  vertical
522 22  xx-10-1960  Topo Map of a Portion of Astor Home  topo survey  1"=8'  medium paper  pencil  good  Village of Rhinebeck  sloping areas south and west of gymnasium, rock outcroppings    Robert L Decker  1 ft contours  42.5  42.75  vertical
523 22  xx-04-1960  Topo Map of a Portion of Astor Home  topo survey  1"=8'  medium paper  pencil  good  Village of Rhinebeck  entire site, including buildings, except for areas south and west of gymnasium    Robert L Decker  1 ft contours  43  55.25  vertical
526 22  undated  Ferrara  survey  unidentified  transparent paper  pencil  fair--pencil markings are badly faded  unknown  pipes, pipes and stones    unsigned    19.5  25  vertical
528 22  xx-09-1954  Keith Tremper  survey  unidentified  transparent paper  pencil  fair--washboard  Town of Rhinebeck  Pilgrim's Progress Road, Amelia K Traver, formerly Mrs William (Mary) Gardiner, Wm McGinn, Roselle, Bainbridge, Brucks  Traver, Gardiner, McGinn, Roselle, Bainbridge, Brucks  unsigned  found wrapped inside MapID#527, Shows subdivided properties (7 lots), note added:"Lot #4 surveyed 5/2/55"  16.5  32.5  vertical
625 52  1926  Alice Astor Ferncliff P.O.'s House  topo survey  unidentified  transparent paper  pencil  poor--water damage at outer edges  Town of Rhinebeck      unsigned  suspected to be FLT, 2 ft contours  22.25    vertical
667 42  1940 North  Jennie U Strong (inside map)  survey  1"=100'  heavy paper  pencil  poor--4 in rip repaired w masking tape  Can't identify (East of Rhinebeck)  stump, Warren Feller, J C Rockefeller, highway, junc[tion of] walls  Strong, Feller, Rockefeller  unsigned  outside is MapID#660, transparent paper strip glued with pencilled stone wall line, this map same property as outside map--length along highway is same  19  24  vertical
ID Bundle No Date Title of Map Media Link Map Type Scale Material Medium Condition Location Identifiers Surnames Signer Notes Width Length  
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