Consortium of Rhinebeck History

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Below are results 1 through 10 of 1099 found.                Records Per Page:                Go To Page :   [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...  Next
Sorted By: Bundle No
ID Bundle No Date Title of Map Media Link Map Type Scale Material Medium Condition Location Identifiers Surnames Signer Notes Width Length  
4588.1   undated  Peat Swamp Drainage System--calc sheets  RHS.01.01.2018.492.jpg sketch  unidentified  transparent paper for map, plain paper for calcs      unknown  #s from 48-56 on map, identifying individual survey points; calc sheets refer to stations    unsigned  3 sheets, 2 are calculatins, 1 is map      vertical
768     Blank for reasons unknown                          vertical
4588   undated  Peat Swamp Drainage System--Drain to Center of Bog  RHS.01.01.2018.491.jpg profile  unidentified  Standard Profile Plate, Keuffel & Esser Co  pencil, black ink, red ink  good  unknown  bog, iron grating, bottom of ditch, bridge, highway, sewer, stakes, proposed drain along old ditch    unsigned        vertical
222     MAP WAS DISPOSED OF--WAS A BLANK PIECE OF LINEN                          vertical
217     Blank due to deletion of duplicate                          vertical
216     Blank due to deletion of duplicate                          vertical
214     Blank due to deletion of duplicate                          vertical
4590   undated  Col John J Astor Water Filtering and Pumping System  RHS.01.01.2018.493.jpg profile  1" = 8'  heavy profile paper  pencil, green ink  good  Rhinebeck  Col John Jacob Astor, 700 cu ft per ft elev; 7,428 gals per ft elev, water, sewer  Astor  unsigned        vertical
207   1908  Tracy Dows  RHS.09.06.2007.047.jpg topo survey  1"=600'  heavy paper  pencil, red ink, green ink, black ink  poor--ripped almost entirely across center  Town of Rhinebeck  Mrs. S H Olin 1905, Wm Kelly, Alfred Wild, Jobson, Lee Van Vredenburgh, F Schryver, J C B Brown, Morgan Lewis to John Brown 1815, Fraleigh Farm  Olin, Kelly, Wild, Jobson, Van Vredenburgh, Schryver, Brown, Lewis, Brown, Fraleigh  Frank L Teal  20 ft contours, 89A, 10.1A  14.5  vertical
262 xx-05-1962  Fairgrounds  RHS.09.18.2007.054.jpg survey  1"=20'  transparent paper  pencil  piece taped to corner  Town of Rhinebeck  Rhynders Oil Office Bldng, Lown bldg, Standard Oil lot, Village line, Boos lot added April May 1962 for est of Clarence Rhynders, Wojehowski, bridge, Spike near angle, Village corporation line, house, true corner is point on head of large bolt south and e  Boos, Wojehowski, Rhynders  unsigned  Note about Boos lot added May 1962  22.5  23.5  vertical
ID Bundle No Date Title of Map Media Link Map Type Scale Material Medium Condition Location Identifiers Surnames Signer Notes Width Length  
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