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Below are results 1 through 10 of 1099 found.                Records Per Page:                Go To Page :   [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...  Next
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ID Bundle No Date Title of Map Media Link Map Type Scale Material Medium Condition Location Identifiers Surnames Signer Notes Width Length  
512 50  19-01-1909  Suckley-Dows Line along Kill-1908  RHS.12.02.2006.011.jpg survey  1"=50'  heavy paper  pencil  poor--3 long tears 11, 20, 22 in  Town of Rhinebeck  Suckley, Dows, locust posts, calculations for amount of stone, sand, cement needed (187 bags cement)    unsigned  suspected to be by FLT, see also Scan ID#RHS.09.06.2007.046, MapID#206  21.5  39  vertical
514 50  xx-08-1956  Suckley  RHS.12.02.2006.010.jpg survey  1"=100'  medium paper  blue print  good  Town of Rhinebeck  R B Suckley, A Suckley, M L Suckley, Riparian rights to the channel in the Hudson River, Wildercliff, Wilderstein, Hudson River, Staatsburg-Rhinecliff Road, Hedge row, brook, point of rock    Ernest Martin  21.72A, printed below map is legal description of property  18.5  28.75  vertical
513 50  xx-xx-1924  Topography at the Oaks  RHS.12.02.2006.008.jpg topo survey  unidentified  heavy paper  pencil  poor--cracks along 2 edges, one 9 in  unknown  stable, pump house & well, roses, willow, cistern, a row of tall pines, elm, ash    unsigned  1 ft contours, See MapID#566,ID#567  18  36.75  vertical
511 50  undated  Dows  RHS.12.02.2006.006.jpg topo survey  1"=200'  heavy paper  black print  fair--some surface of paper has eroded  Town of Rhinebeck  school house, Dows, Asher, ponds, gardens, orchard, ced(ar) and small growth, scattering cedar, clump cedar, young hem(lock), oak, bushes    unsigned  10 ft contours, pencilled boundary lines added on top of original map  17  20.75  vertical
510 49  xx-xx-1924  Road at O'Neal's--Rhinecliff  RHS.12.02.2006.005.jpg survey  unidentified  heavy paper  pencil  poor--damage along outer edge from tape that has been removed, brittle at edges  Rhinecliff  house, garage, porch, hemlock    unsigned  Field Notes Box E  17.5  22  vertical
509 49  xx-xx-1912  S H Olin 1912  RHS.12.02.2006.004.jpg topo survey  unidentified  heavy paper  pencil  good--small tear along outer edge  Town of Rhinebeck  S H Olin, M E Church, School lot, Jobson, gate    F L Teal  10 ft contours, range of elevation from 147 to 322 ft within property  18  36.5  vertical
508 49  xx-xx-1838  Hutchings Farm, Wm B Kip Estate  RHS.12.02.2006.003.jpg survey  1"=5 chains  medium paper  black print, blue and yellow pencil  good--brittle  Town of Rhinebeck  S Kolbinski, J D Teal, Traver Wood Lot, D H Pells, Wm Pink, containing 188 acres as surveyed by Hazard Champlin 1838  Kolbinski, Teal, Traver, Pells, Pink  Hazard Champlin  188A, road junction at north end of map is Norton Road at left and Stone Church Road on right  17  15.75  vertical
507 49  xx-xx-1940  L S Chanler Jr 1940  RHS.12.02.2006.002.jpg topo survey  unidentified  medium paper  pencil, black ink  fair  Town of Rhinebeck  Chanler address (59 E 92nd St, NYC), some pencilled calculations, DIETZGE watermark, elevations range between 120 and 155 ft    unsigned  1 ft contours  16  23  vertical
506 49  5516  Astor Ferncliff Topography at Dairy  RHS.12.02.2006.001.jpg topo survey  unidentified  medium paper  pencil  fair--brittle, crack along one ege  Town of Rhinebeck  quarry, west barn, (sou?)th barn, elm, ash, some pencilled calculations    unsigned  2 ft contours, see also MapsID#596,597,598 found inside this map  18.25  39.5  vertical
804 54  x-Sept-1933  Mills--Sheet VII  RHS.11.07.2008.200.jpg survey  1"=200'  heavy paper  pencil  fair--scattered marks, dirty  Town of Hyde Park, Town of Rhinebeck  "Course per Kipp Deed runs to cor Radcliff wood lot. But that would shorten the dist. 30¦feet. Decided Kipp course in error. Deeds to adjoiners can prove nothing. Stone wall indicates true boundary. FLT Sept 1933. Do not copy --FLT"; rocks, dense woods,  Kipp, Radcliff, Larson, Mills, Hopkins  Frank L Teal  18.6A  24  30.75  vertical
ID Bundle No Date Title of Map Media Link Map Type Scale Material Medium Condition Location Identifiers Surnames Signer Notes Width Length  
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